Prova Orale 1 podręcznik A1-B1 ed. 2021




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New Edition: Beginners - Pre-intermediate level (CEFR A1-B1).
The modern, updated first volume in a series of textbooks of Italian conversation. The book aims to provide the necessary support for A1-B1 level students to improve their oral production and conversational skills, and to prepare them for facing the oral tests of the certified examinations in Italian as a foreign language.

The book is structured in 4 parts:

- 35 thematic units form the central part of the volume and present current topics that allow students to discuss various aspects of modern life, thanks to a large number of visual stimuli, questions and activities aimed at promoting discussion and comparison. The units are ordered by increasing difficulty;

- Written texts, from unit 20 onwards, for students to summarise and comment on (e.g. articles, emails, messages, adverts);

- A section of fun activities to revise vocabulary and the most important topics presented in the units;

- A glossary of the most complex words in each unit, provided at the end of the book.

This book is suitable for classes beginning their very first lessons of Italian through to level B1. Each unit proposes 30 to 60 minutes of conversation, according to the level of difficulty.

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Katalog: Prova Orale 1 podręcznik A1-B1 ed. 2021